Saturday, 1 March 2008

Gargantas e gargulas

People are funny...
For some reason they always seem to think that they're the holders of truth (yours truly inclusive)...there are no shades of truth but there are always 3 versions of it...mine,his/hers and the absolute one.
Still, sometimes, that truth has to take sides.It is not en ought that truth is disambiguation itself.It,sometimes, has to be assertive towards a comum goal...that's when it gets, not bent nor distorted but in accordance to a greater good...that's when you lose, i guess, your innocence and comply with the "man"...
That is when you see that although you are cruising trough this existence you have to comply to a lot of its bullshit so to be part of it...I've seen the other way
E para que continuar na rebeliao quando ela deixa de fazer sentido?Nao e logico fazer-se parte da equacao para poder resolve-la?
O tempo da garganta ja se foi

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