Thursday, 1 May 2008


Teamwork is the co-operative effort by a group of people to achieve a common goal.

How can you work as a team, then, when the common goal is each own?
I believe in empathy...i believe in the good intrinsically in all mankind.
For we are one and all, undoubtedly, and connected, linked to each other.
There is no detachment, for you will eventually have to restore universal balance.
Free will not determinism,though.
We are not puppets but puppeteers in our path in this reality!
We wonder WHERE and WHO and WHY we are when we should be looking further afield to the biggest question of all...
HOW can we serve?
It is the way of the world to follow the dark enlightness of self-interest rather than ethic of reciprocity.
It is not the way of humanity.
If only souls would reflect their brightness...maybe this would be a more candide existence.
At the very least...
Stop taking it out on your colleagues when you're upset with the boss.

Trabalho de equipa?
As coisas so assim acontecem quando a franqueza e a empatia regem a existencia.
O optimismo e' glorioso...mas a fe' aos poucos dissipa-se.Nao na criacao mas no SER,no ENTE criado.E' triste quando assim acontece mas porque se esta' chateado com o patrao nao e de bom tom descontar nos colegas...
A isso nao se chama trabalho de equipa!!!

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