Wednesday, 21 November 2007

So...i'm off this mornig to the tube station having waking up early enough to get to work and still do some tip for myself...this situation about having more responsabilitie at work has been making me very much a money shy person...of course i got to look at my bible before i leave home so i turn to pag.436 and surprise surprise severe delays both on the Picadilly as on the i think...screw it...i'll go to Finsbury and from then the victoria to King's Cross (international???i wish...ahhhh...breakfast in Paris...well...soon enought) then the Circle or the Hammersmith and City to Paddigton, hop on to the Heatrow Express and voila...£6.20 + £7.35 and i'm at work...
Something made go on the Picadilly line though...i scrambled onto the platform go all the way to the last carriage, see a lot of ugly people and sick ones at that, manage to squeaze trough and got myself a seat...then i see first is just a glimpse and then...there it looks like a pocket bible and the men does look like one of then american guys that are around London spreading the Word...but aint...a strange connection ties me to this men..its strong, compeling but still i cannot talk to him...what to do???i wanna say something but don't want to be condescendent...i know that if it was me sometime ago i would resentfully make conversation and just as soon as he would leave i would have said to myself "the nerve of that guy...comparing himself to me...bafon...if you know where i've been...screw you ..."what to do????Holborn station...he's getting off...i got to say something...

and then it came..."FRIEND...have a good day" (a stranger...a complete stranger on the subway...a men for that matter)and he knew what i meant...

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