Wednesday, 31 October 2007

Welcome to Couch End
This little treasure of mine is one of the reasons that mine and anybody elses life is worth living...a child( my beautiful pricess Sara) sun and ocean...oh the happiness

Friday, 26 October 2007

This is my Godniece

Aint it sunny in Madeira Island???
After all these guys are controlling us all...
We are like Jonhs Malcoviches in the hands of these guys...
I ask myself how did this happened?Do you just go out that day minding your own business get to work and fight, you see the weirdeness of the complex being and you think..."men i really hate this person" then get home and you think "what the deuce"...
I mean...i cant stand dentists, i dont like Goa or India for that matter i hat lack of inteligence just for the sake of it...and even the spaniards are around... the hell is this happening...its grotesque and still i can't stop tinking about it.
I am being play like a violine

Wednesday, 10 October 2007

What if these doubts are not only doubts but certaintys wiating to happen??

Do i let my ego go ...Am i letting it go???

Am i sure of my path???What about there still a "them"?Damn these questions...i know i'm on the right way...or am i?

Stupid trojan